Friday, 26 March 2010

Famed heritage losing its glory

Famed heritage losing its glory

THE history galleries at the Fort Cornwallis in George Town, Penang has been hit by leakages, cracks and regular breakdowns of the air-conditioning system.

The nine gallery rooms were also found to be poorly lit with its paint peeling off. The wording on the information booths inside the galleries were also fading off.

Japanese tourist Ishikawa Akiichiro, 57, who was touring George Town for a day described the galleries as boring.

“I was expecting to find out about the history of the fort from the galleries but it is very disappointing,” he said when met at the fort grounds.

American engineer Michael Dillon, 34, said the galleries could be better improved with sufficient funding.

“Besides the galleries, the fort management can also look into repairing some of the facilities which are on the verge of collapsing such as the fencing around a historical excavation site,” he said.

Another American tourist Jake Lippa, 29, a researcher, said the historical information was good but he decided not to visit the remaining galleries after visiting the first two because it was “simply too hot inside”.

He said although the galleries, which were originally cell rooms, were part of the fort’s rich historical landscape, it could be updated to a certain extent without disturbing its historical significance.

British administrator Corrine Cridge, 27, and her optometrist boyfriend Ben Royal, 24, said the fort management could look into employing a guide who could provide a verbal explanation of the fort’s history instead of merely displaying the information.

However, they said the fort was nicer than what they had expected, adding that they would definitely recommend the place to friends who were keen to visit the place.

-News courtesy of The Star-

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